Esra Demirkol Colosio is a lecturer at the Çankırı Karatekin University, Sociology Department. She graduated from Sociology (BA) (METU) in 2009 and Social Anthropology (MSc) (METU) in 2011. She received her PhD from the University of Sussex, Sociology Department in 2020. Her PhD was on transnational familyhood constructed by Turkish immigrants in Japan and their stayed-behind families in Turkey. She worked as an assistant/interviewer in fieldworks of several projects during her studies, and volunteered with various charities both in Turkey and the UK.
Esra Demirkol Colosio is a lecturer at the Çankırı Karatekin University, Sociology Department. She graduated from Sociology (BA) (METU) in 2009 and Social Anthropology (MSc) (METU) in 2011. She received her PhD from the University of Sussex, Sociology Department in 2020. Her PhD was on transnational familyhood constructed by Turkish immigrants in Japan and their stayed-behind families in Turkey. She worked as an assistant/interviewer in fieldworks of several projects during her studies, and volunteered with various charities both in Turkey and the UK.