The workshop will explore the following questions:

❖  How are old arrival areas in Turkey being transformed through recent migrations?
❖  What new arrival areas (including non-urban areas such as small towns and rural areas) and infrastructures do we see emerging across Turkey?
❖  How do different actors shape arrival?
❖  How have recent changes (social, legal, technological) and crises (pandemics, wars, natural disasters such as earthquakes) shaped arrival in Turkey?
❖  What are the methodological and ethical challenges, opportunities, and limitations in analyzing arrival from below and through an everyday lens?

Within this workshop, there is also a scope to move beyond these themes/questions, providing additional perspectives and critiques on the notion of ‘arrival’ in itself as a term within and outside the boundaries of urban spaces. We hope that this workshop fosters open and diverse dialogue with scholars across disciplines, career levels, and different localities. We aspire to move this dialogue beyond Western-centric conceptions of arrival and bring in empirically rich, theoretically substantial, and methodologically innovative research discussion.

Submitting your paper:

We encourage submissions in English and Turkish. Interested participants should send a working title, abstract (max. 300 words), and short bio (max. 200 words) via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by July 30th, 2023. Please indicate in the email if you intend to participate online or in person.

For more information on the call for papers, please see the documents below.